Ancien Canard Mignon Blanc Naturalisé / Empaillé


Véritable canard blanc de taxidermie vintage au plumage blanc posé sur un socle en bois.

This duck has been naturalised by a professional taxidermist with great care and taste.

He has a gentle look ; very far from certain badly stuffed beasts that can give one nightmares !

A rare piece that will delight lovers of these webbed-footed waterfowl, and that will bring a beautiful retro touch to your home!

whilst adding an original touch to any home!

Very good general condition 

( Please note that this item is too fragile to be sent by post, so delivery is only available by carrier).

W 34 x H 35 x D 19 cm

Dimensions 40 × 40 × 25 cm

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